Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sharing the Rose Award

That's right. It's time to give our award to a couple of wonderful bloggers. The award is a little different - not the design. We've changed the rules when you receive the award. Of course, don't feel obligated to do all of them. We want to make it easy and fun for everyone! 

What does the Rose Award mean? The award has to do with growing - like a flower. That's why we're giving our award to blogs who are growing  (not by followers or popularity). The ones who share what they've learned from life. It will be awesome to see what they've gained across the weeks, months, and years of writing. It's the main requirement of accepting the award. And the best part of all... handing it to others to share with.

Picking just a handful of them from many fantastic blogs is always difficult. But we're truly happy that it'll keep spreading from blog to blog. We'll get it out there! Here's who we've selected: MaryLu from Cross and Cutlass, Casey from Writing For Christ, Carman from Sequence of Continuous Delights, and Amanda from The Price of Trust.

Rules for accepting:

1. Share what you've learned from blogging, writing, life, or anything you'd like.
2. Add the award to a post or somewhere on your blog.
3. Hand the award to three or more bloggers/writers.
4. Leave an encouraging comment on a couple of blogs.

God bless!

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