Tuesday, September 7, 2010

We're on Facebook...

In case you didn't know, The Christian Scroll is on Facebook. Yes, we have a page for all of our book-loving fans out there! All bookworms are welcomed, but we only post Christian themed books - preferably fiction and Christian living. That doesn't mean that we don't stretch out into other genres. No, we also do Children's books, cookbooks, and anything else that has a Christian theme in it.

On our fan page, we provide albums with new book releases of fiction and non-fiction. So, you the reader will know what to look forward to in the months to come. It's just a great way to be in the know of when books are releasing.

Alongside of new book releases, we keep you updated with new book trailers, free kindle books, giveaways, and any author or book related news. We'll also let you know when we're having a giveaway and a new blog post here.

Want to have a discussion about say... what your favorite author is? Well, you can. Start one on our page and chat with other fans. This is still a work in-progress, but hopefully we'll get more people engaged in this part of our page. We could surely need your help with this!

We're new. We started in March of this year. You can help us grow! If you're interested in volunteering your time and talents with our blog, Twitter, or Facebook page - let us know! We would love to have you as a part of the TCS Team! Contact us here.

Have you "liked" our Facebook Fan Page yet?

God bless!
~Grace Thorson (admin)

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